Parish Life 24 May 2020

Dear Parishioners,

Many have been heartened by the slow lifting of some restrictions. Bishop Homeming has given permission for some activities to take place on a small scale. Public Masses are still prohibited and the faithful are still dispensed from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. However, he has permitted private Mass to be celebrated with up to 10 people by invitation. Preparations will be made in the parish to provide for this option soon. Any parishioners interested will need to register their interest by contacting the parish office. This weekend I bring to an end working out of the parish halls in view of preparations for church services.

Fr Nicolas Maurice


Provisions for private Mass:
No public Mass is permitted. The dispensation from Sunday obligation continues.
Private Masses may be celebrated in church with ten invited people attending the Mass.
Preparations will be made in the parish to provide for this option soon.
Any parishioners interested will need to register their interest by contacting the parish office.


Funerals, Weddings, Baptisms:
Funerals should continue to be conducted at the Funeral Home, Crematorium or Graveside.
Weddings may be conducted with ten people attending in addition to the celebrant and the couple;
Individual Baptisms with 10 people present (excluding the celebrant) are permitted.
Protocols for all services:
Ensure that no more than 10 people, by invitation only, come onto the property at any one time.
Ensure 1.5m distancing, allowing for at least 4m2 per person.
Encourage good hygiene through the provision of hand-washing facilities and hand sanitiser and communicating with attendees what good hygiene involves.
Instruct people to stay home if they are unwell.
Parishioners who fall into a vulnerable or high-risk category to avoid attending gatherings.
Clean and disinfect communal areas frequently.
The names, addresses and telephone numbers of each person who enters the church must be recorded and kept for at least four weeks.
Visits to church hall come to an end: In view of preparations for church services, Fr Nicolas this weekend brings to an end working from the Ted Howe Room on Wednesday mornings and from the Cranney Room on Friday mornings. Parishioners can still stop in at the parish office if they wish to speak with Father or drop off envelopes.


Entrustment to Our Lady: On 24 May 2020, Bishop Homeming will intercede for our Diocese by praying the Act of Entrustment to Mary Help of Christians, who is patron of Australia. All parishioners are welcome to join our bishop in praying the Act of Entrustment on 24 or 25 May.

Act of Entrustment to Mary Help of Christians
O Immaculate Mary, Help of Christians, Queen of heaven and earth, and tender Mother of humanity, at this time when a pandemic threatens all your children, we entrust to you our nation, Australia, and all who live in this country. We commit to your intercession all the members of our community, beginning with the weakest ones, from the unborn to the sick, the disabled and the elderly. We commit to you our families, our young and old, and all who are vulnerable, those who are quarantined or anxious. We entrust to your Immaculate Heart those who have lost their livelihood or employment, our pastors and other essential service workers, and our leaders at this time. We implore your intercession especially for the protection of doctors and nurses and those who minister to the contagious sick in this crisis. Reign over us, Mother of God, and teach us how to make the Heart of Jesus reign and triumph in us and around us, as it has reigned and triumphed in you! Amen