Parish Life 29 August 2021

Dear Parishioners,

Some may be able to notice the passing of the season from Winter to Spring. With the approach of Spring on the calendar, there arrives on Friday an Ember Day (the first Friday of March and September). An Ember Day is a traditional day in the Sacred Liturgy set aside at the turn of a season for a good harvest. An Ember Day is appointed as a day of prayer and penance to petition for a bountiful yield on the land. Even in the midst of the trials of the pandemic, our Heavenly Father smiles upon us in the warmth of the spring sunshine. Fr Nicolas Maurice


Online Course – An Introduction To Scripture: The Catholic Women’s League through their adult education apostolate Anima Education are offering an online Scripture Course: An Introduction to Scripture – The Greatest Story Ever Told delivered by David Schütz, a candidate for the degree of Master of Theology at Catholic Theological College. This course will be held on Mondays beginning the 13th September to the 11th October at a cost of $95 plus booking fees. Visit for more information.


Catholic Chaplain, Clarence Valley Correctional Centre: Lismore Diocese is seeking applications from suitably qualified persons for this new role (Grafton NSW). A Chaplain is required for a position, full or part-time will be considered, to provide transformational pastoral care and spiritual support to inmates, their families/carers, and staff. For further information please contact the People, Safety & Wellbeing Manager on 02 6621 9444 or email


Bishops’ Conference Statement: The Australian Bishops’ Social Justice Statement for 2021 is titled Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor. The Statement draws attention to the stewardship of the natural world. For further details about the Social Justice Statement, visit