Parish Life 19 April 2020

Dear Parishioners,

This second Sunday of Easter is traditionally called Low Sunday and has become the occasion to celebrate the devotion of Divine Mercy. Many may be familiar with the image of the Divine Mercy, the Risen Christ with streams of light emanating from His Sacred Heart. Even in the midst of the crisis of the pandemic, Christ’s rays of Divine Mercy still shine upon us. Despite the many disruptions to our lives and the lives of our loved ones, with the eyes of faith we can notice small mercies. We have so far been spared the harshest effects of the pandemic. The aspiration associated with the Divine Mercy is simply, “Jesus, I trust in You”. This heartfelt prayer is most fitting in these dark days. Fr Nicolas Maurice


Visits to church hall: Fr Maurice plans to work from the parish hall one morning each week so that parishioners can stop to make contact and talk. He plans to work from the Ted Howe Room on Wednesday mornings from 9.30am, and from the Cranney Room on Friday mornings from 10am. Parishioners are welcome to stop in while maintaining suitable distance from others.